Barrière ZENITH conçu et fabriqué par Aréa mobilier urbain

Zénith Barrier

171 €

The Zénith design barrier distinguishes itself by its refined aesthetic, its slender proportions and its great finesse. The circular shape of its handrail assures both pleasant and ergonomic contact. Its constructive principle allows delivery in kit form in order to optimize costs and to render it completely modular. It allows a continuous barrier which can reach 4.5 meters in length when channeling of the pedestrian flow is needed.

Street furniture range

Gamme de mobiliers urbains coordonnés

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Making sure our bollards can be also associated with barriers, bicycle stands, trip rails, guardrails … provides designers and end users with a perfect overall consistency.  A safe, secure, legible and above all beautiful city is possible with AREA street furniture.