Legal notices


1 Chemin de la Madeleine
31130 Flourens, France
T : +33(0)5 34 25 21 00


Listed in the commercial register of Toulouse

VAT identification number : FR 66 342 676 186

Publication manager : Laure Boudou


Production and Hosting : WS Interactive


Photographs : Jean & Etienne Belondrade and Aréa photo library.

Photos are non-contractual. The are the property of Aréa. Any reproduction by whatsoever means, any diffusion over an electronic network whatsoever, and any partial or total digital storage are prohibited without the express, written and prior consent of Aréa.


Registered designs

Aréa registered designs are protected by copyright and design rights. In application of the provisions of books

I, III and V of the french Intellectual Property Code, any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by whatsoever means and using whatsoevermedium, of all part of Aréa designs, without Arée’s prior consent, may constitute an act of infringement entailing civil and criminal liability for the person committing such.